How does the Budget 2016 affect contributions to an SMSF – Guest Post by Liam Shorte
Posted by Team AVS on 27 Jun, 2016 0 CommentsTags: Budget 2016, Liam Shorte, SMSF, SMSF Contributions
I am breaking the Budget down into bite size chunks with strategies to consider going forward for SMSF Trustees. The first part which dealt with pension strategies is available here . This second part deals with changes to contribution options, methods and caps
The concessional contribution cap will be reduced from the current level of $30,000 to $25,000 from 1 July 2017, irrespective of the age of the individual. The higher cap of $35,000 that currently applies to individuals over age 50 will be abolished. The reduced cap will continue to be indexed in future years in line with wages growth.
If you work on your accounts regularly, this won’t be such a problem. But if you tend to push everything to one side, you may have a large backlog to catch up on. Moving from paper or Excel accounts to professional accounting software can help you here, as it will automate a lot of tasks such as bank transactions. Miscoding these is the top mistake made by small businesses, according to a survey of members of the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA).