02 8824 4363


Your claim for a business tax loss can be denied

Posted by Team AVS on 20 Aug, 2018  0 Comments

Business owners are naturally keen to be able to absorb a business loss as a tax deduction, but it also pays to not stray too far from the generally accepted rules regarding tax losses — there are circumstances where the ATO is legitimately able to deny such claims.

The ATO has the discretion to disallow the deduction of a tax loss if, during the relevant income year, the business attempting to make such a claim earned assessable income (or

Claiming Self-Education Expenses

Posted by Team AVS on 7 Aug, 2018  0 Comments

The value of a good education is widely accepted, and it is a common experience over one’s working lifetime to find that further learning is required along the path of one’s chosen career.

Changing technology and evolving workplaces means that at some stage in every taxpayer’s life, an educational re-boot could become necessary — as the adage says, “you’re never too old to learn”. Therefore supplementary education mid-career is v

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