Annual vacancy fee for foreign residential property owners
Posted by Team AVS on 18 Sep, 2018 0 CommentsAt the end of 2017, an annual fee was introduced for dwellings owned by non-residents of Australia. The measure is part of the government’s housing affordability plan and is also a financial incentive for foreign owners to make their dwelling available for rent and increase available housing in Australia.
Under the legislation, foreign owners of residential dwellings in Australia are required to pay an annual vacancy fee if their dwelling is
A recent change to the rules around superannuation means that more Australians may be eligible to claim a tax deduction for putting money into super.
Before June 30, 2017, if more than 10% of your income was sourced from salary or wages from an employer, you were rendered ineligible to claim any tax deduction for after-tax contributions you may have made to your superannuation fund.
But this rule has been removed, effective for the 2017-18
Before June 30, 2017, if more than 10% of your income was sourced from salary or wages from an employer, you were rendered ineligible to claim any tax deduction for after-tax contributions you may have made to your superannuation fund.
But this rule has been removed, effective for the 2017-18