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Alerts, not alarms

Posted by Team AVS on 20 Dec, 2018  0 Comments

Every now and then you might read or hear about a “taxpayer alert” being issued by the ATO. Taxpayer alerts are the ATO's “early warning” signals to the public about a certain area of concern – it could be about fraudulent schemes, or dodgy investments, or perhaps about a tax minimisation tactic that the ATO has been made aware of and knows will get people into trouble.

Taxpayer alerts are the mechanism by which the ATO lets the gene

Consumers compensated by financial institutions still need to consider tax

Posted by Team AVS on 15 Dec, 2018  0 Comments

With the ongoing financial services Royal Commission, and likely future cases brought before various courts for compensation — or indeed the present building of class action lawsuits on the back of various revelations to come out of the Royal Commission — the ATO has felt the need to run over the rules (as they stand) regarding the taxation of compensation paid to individuals for advice from financial institutions.

The ATO says that taxpay

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