Make sure you update your ABN: It can be vital
Posted by Team AVS on 25 Mar, 2021 0 CommentsGovernment agencies regularly access data contained in the ABN registration, and where this is not up-to-date the taxpayer may be missing out on stimulus measures, grants, and other government support.
This became painfully evident during the 2019-20 bushfires, and is now re-surfacing during COVID-19 when it was found that a concerning amount of ABN data was out-of-date.
The ATO and the Australian Business Register are making efforts to rem
A lump sum payment in arrears is a payment you may receive that relates to earlier income years. The tax offset that can be utilised with these sorts of payments works to alleviate the problem of a taxpayer being expected to pay more tax in a year when a lump sum of back payments is received — where they would be disadvantaged by paying more tax than if the income had been spread over several income years.
The general rule is that employment
The general rule is that employment