Tax Time: Unexpected first-time debts
Posted by Team AVS on 14 Aug, 2023 0 CommentsFor the first time, many Australians are finding themselves in a position where they are being told they owe the ATO money after completing their tax return this year.
A significant number of taxpayers in this position are those that are still paying off their HECS/HELP debts – many of them young Australians. Following are some myths and facts around why this may be the case.
We also tackle the LMITO myth.
When PAYGW is deducted from
The recent ATO crackdown on trusts will no doubt have some business owners (and even some advisors) asking themselves the question: Is this structure for business purposes still worth it?
To recap, trust distributions have been under the ATO microscope in recent years. The latest ATO crackdown was in February 2022 when it updated its guidance around trust distributions especially those made to adult children, corporate beneficiaries and entiti
To recap, trust distributions have been under the ATO microscope in recent years. The latest ATO crackdown was in February 2022 when it updated its guidance around trust distributions especially those made to adult children, corporate beneficiaries and entiti