Bitcoin: Its place in your wallet or SMSF portfolio
Posted by Team AVS on 7 Apr, 2018 0 CommentsWhile bitcoin may be the most well-known cryptocurrency, there are nearly 1,500 cryptocurrencies in existence. In its simplest form, a cryptocurrency is a “peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, which means that the currency is not in a physical form like cash but sits in an electronic register.
What makes bitcoin work, where previous attempts at electronic cash did not, is in the magic of something called blockchain.
Recent superannuation reforms introduced a concept of “total superannuation balance”, which on the surface may give the simple impression that it is the sum of the balances of a person’s superannuation interests. However, this is not the case
Broadly, the first three of the above will not be available to an individual if his or her total superannuation balance is greater than the new general transfer balance cap (set at $1.6 million for the 2017-18 financial year and indexed in $100,000 increments in line with the CPI).