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To meet your tax obligations with ease, a good record-keeping is a must

Posted by Team AVS on 26 Feb, 2019  0 Comments

During the financial year, you'll receive documents that are important for doing your tax, such as payment summaries, receipts, invoices and contracts.

Generally, you need to keep these for five years from when you lodge your tax return in case ATO ask you to substantiate your claims.

Records you need to keep include:

payment summaries from payers, including your employer and the Department of Human Services
statements from your bank

Small businesses (with fewer than 20 employees) are now covered under Single touch payroll reporting rules

Posted by Team AVS on 15 Feb, 2019  0 Comments

With the passage of relevant law on 12 February 2019 by Australian Parliament, more than 700,000 Australian small businesses are set to be covered by the ATO's single touch payroll rules.

Single Touch Payroll (STP) rules require that employers have to report information related to employees’ tax and super to ATO with every payroll event instead of monthly or quarterly reporting. So, every time a business does a pay run, information through S

Guide to making motor vehicle expense claims

Posted by Team AVS on 7 Feb, 2019  0 Comments

A perennial topic regarding tax deductions is claiming expenses for a car. The following notes summarise the most salient points when it comes to claiming a deduction for motor vehicle expenses.

Key points to keep in mind include:

the way a claim is calculated depends on your business structure
if business changes structure, your entitlements and obligations may also change
you must apportion expenses between business and private use

Insurance cover through your SMSF can be tax deductible

Posted by Team AVS on 29 Jan, 2019  0 Comments

Buying insurance within an SMSF can give access to deductible expenses that would otherwise not be available, as some insurance premiums, such as for life insurance (which typically cannot be claimed as deductions by individuals for income tax purposes) may be available as tax deductions for the SMSF.

The same concession applies for any super fund, but the deductibility is available to the fund itself — therefore previous members of retail o

How to pay your BAS?

Posted by Team AVS on 21 Jan, 2019  0 Comments

The quickest and easiest way to pay your BAS is with BPAY, a credit or debit card.

You can also pay using a payment reference number (PRN) if you lodge online.
Early payments to offset future BAS
To offset your future BAS liability, you can voluntarily make early payments. You will need your PRN, and you can use any of the available payment methods.
Payment reference number (PRN)
A payment reference number is your unique identifier that en

The shake up that’s coming to Division 7A

Posted by Team AVS on 12 Jan, 2019  0 Comments

Discussion about reforms to Division 7A has been bouncing back and forth between Treasury and the ATO for many years — since the end of 2012 in fact, giving the impression they may have been stonewalling any moves on Division 7A. But a definite crack appeared in that wall with the May 2016 Federal Budget. It was announced that “targeted amendments” were planned for two years hence from that date — in other words, 1 July 2018.

Well, as

Small business CGT concession changes will tighten eligibility

Posted by Team AVS on 4 Jan, 2019  0 Comments

The legislation Treasury Laws Amendment Bill 2018 has just recently passed both houses in Canberra, which among other measures also makes changes to the long-established small business CGT concessions.

The legislation’s explanatory memorandum spells out the incumbent basic conditions for the concessions to apply, but adds additional conditions that apply only where the CGT assets concerned are shares in a company or interests in a trust.

Alerts, not alarms

Posted by Team AVS on 20 Dec, 2018  0 Comments

Every now and then you might read or hear about a “taxpayer alert” being issued by the ATO. Taxpayer alerts are the ATO's “early warning” signals to the public about a certain area of concern – it could be about fraudulent schemes, or dodgy investments, or perhaps about a tax minimisation tactic that the ATO has been made aware of and knows will get people into trouble.

Taxpayer alerts are the mechanism by which the ATO lets the gene

Consumers compensated by financial institutions still need to consider tax

Posted by Team AVS on 15 Dec, 2018  0 Comments

With the ongoing financial services Royal Commission, and likely future cases brought before various courts for compensation — or indeed the present building of class action lawsuits on the back of various revelations to come out of the Royal Commission — the ATO has felt the need to run over the rules (as they stand) regarding the taxation of compensation paid to individuals for advice from financial institutions.

The ATO says that taxpay

The Work Christmas Party

Posted by Team AVS on 29 Nov, 2018  0 Comments

It’s not quite Christmas time yet, but most businesses will be in the process of thinking ahead to the yuletide festivities, if not already into well-advanced planning. One of the perennial questions is if and how fringe benefits tax applies to these activities.

There is no separate fringe benefits tax (FBT) category for Christmas parties and you may encounter many different circumstances when providing these events to your staff. Fringe ben

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