02 8824 4363


Fringe benefits tax (FBT) time is here

Posted by Team AVS on 29 Apr, 2024  0 Comments

If you're an employer offering staff perks, get ready to lodge your FBT return and pay the FBT you owe.

From 1 April, it's a new fringe benefits tax (FBT) year.

If you're an employer and have provided certain benefits to your staff in addition to their salary and wages, it's important to understand how FBT works and what is considered a fringe benefit.

Perks that could attract FBT include providing employees with a work car (including

Taskforce action on false invoicing arrangements

Posted by Team AVS on 17 Apr, 2024  0 Comments

The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce is targeting false invoicing and other illegal financial arrangements.

Businesses involved in illegal false invoicing arrangements

The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (SFCT) is warning businesses about using illegal financial arrangements such as false invoicing to cheat the tax and super system.

What is false invoicing?

False invoicing arrangements involve issuing invoices where no goods or s

New EV home charging rate

Posted by Team AVS on 11 Apr, 2024  0 Comments

Some users of electric vehicles (EVs) are faced with the challenge of calculating electricity costs incurred when charging their electric vehicles at home. This applies to employers providing EVs to staff for personal use, or employees who incur work-related car expenses.

To address this, the ATO have issued a new guideline to help calculate the cost of electricity when an EV is charged at home.

The guideline provides a shortcut method to d

Tax schemes

Posted by Team AVS on 4 Apr, 2024  0 Comments

What tax schemes are

You have the right to arrange your financial affairs to keep your tax to a minimum. This is often referred to as tax planning or tax-effective investing. Tax planning is legitimate when you do it within the intent of the law. However, tax schemes that are outside the spirit of the law may attract our attention.

Unlawful tax schemes

An unlawful tax scheme involves the deliberate exploitation of our tax and superannuat

Have you earned income for your personal efforts or skills

Posted by Team AVS on 26 Mar, 2024  0 Comments

Is over half your income from a contract due to your personal efforts or skills, rather than earned from the use of assets, the sale of goods or from a business structure? If so, your income is classified as personal services income (PSI).

You can receive PSI in almost any industry, trade or profession. For example, as a financial professional, IT consultant, construction worker or medical practitioner.

Take David for example. He charges

Foreign residents selling property in Australia

Posted by Team AVS on 14 Mar, 2024  0 Comments

Foreign resident capital gains withholding (FRCGW) of 12.5% applies for all property sales of $750,000 or more.

Foreign resident capital gains withholding (FRCGW) of 12.5% applies for all property sales of $750,000 or more. At a minimum, that is $93,750 being withheld from the sale and paid to the ATO, unless there is an approved variation.

The most common reasons why a seller may apply for a variation include:

making a capital loss

Claiming working from home expenses

Posted by Team AVS on 7 Mar, 2024  0 Comments

Claiming working from home expenses

Two ways to calculate a work from home deduction for Tax Time 2024.

Before you know it, it will be tax time again. If your clients have been working from home this financial year, they'll probably have some work-related expenses they can claim.

There are 2 ways to calculate a work from home deduction:

fixed rate method
actual cost method

Using the fixed rate method, they can claim a rate of

Getting your business on the right track

Posted by Team AVS on 29 Feb, 2024  0 Comments

If you’re looking to start a new business, we want to help you get on the right track, right from the start. And if you are running an established business, it’s not too late to learn or refresh your tax and super knowledge.


Here’s a few essentials to consider when starting or running a business.

Register your business

When starting a business, you’ll need to think about tax registrations. Ask yourself:

Am I entitl

Market valuation disputes

Posted by Team AVS on 22 Feb, 2024  0 Comments

Market valuation disputes
Check your options to assist you in resolving valuation disputes.
Valuation disputes can arise during compliance activities, private binding ruling requests, objections or litigation where, for example, you rely on a different set of facts, assumptions, methodologies or understanding of the applicable law than we do.

When these disputes arise we want to resolve them as early and efficiently as possible, saving time

Record keeping

Posted by Team AVS on 16 Feb, 2024  0 Comments

Learn about record keeping – what records you need to keep, how to keep records and how long to keep them for.

Benefits of record keeping

There are many benefits to keeping good records. It can help you:

keep track of your business’s health, so you’re able to make good business decisions
meet your tax and superannuation obligations
manage your cash flow
demonstrate your financial position to banks or other lenders.

Tax an

Disclaimer : All the content (including Blogs, newsletters, Fact sheets, calculators etc.) provided on this website is general information only and is neither intended to nor be considered personal financial or taxation advice. The content has been prepared without taking into account your personal circumstances, financial situation or objectives. In making any financial, investment or taxation decision, information provided on this website should not be relied upon and you should seek personal advice. AVS Business Services Pty Ltd disclaims any responsibility for any decision that you make, based on the information provided on this website.All the information provided on this website is prepared in good faith and based on AVS’s knowledge and understanding of superannuation, taxation and other relevant laws and is believed to be correct at the time of writing the information. However as the laws, being dynamic by nature, keeps on changing, you should not rely on the information provided on this website without first obtaining advice from qualified professional.